Seiko's visit - 7/20/08

Seiko came for a visit this weekend.  I like when Seiko visits.  She is always very pleasant to be around and she helps cook dinner!  Seiko is a friend of the family who just finished college and got her first job.  She is in the midst of playing the visa game before she can start working.  I feel badly for anyone who has to go through that mess.  The things we take for granted.

We had fun cooking and checking out Alameda Friday and Saturday.  Setsuko, Teddy and Seiko went for a 4 or 5 mile walk on Bay Farm Island while Ted went out on a long bike ride.  Of course, Michael slept all day.  

Sunday is Ted's swim day.  I like to swim about 2 miles every Sunday in about an hour.  Sunday was a longer timed swim going a shorter distance.  The current was very strong in the San Francisco bay at swim time.  The jackets mean it is a typical July morning in San Francisco.  After my swim, we all went to the ramen shop in Japan Town.  This particular shop makes the noodles fresh every day.  Fresh ramen noodles are so much better than fried ones.

We did some shopping in Japan Town then went home for Seiko to prepare for her trip home.  

Hurry back Seiko, we miss you.

flood Mike
At the Bay
Happy hug
Samoi desu
pigeon drink
strike a pose
Sand boy
Ramen shop
Ramen suki desu
Ramen buta
Mike's toy
We three
Group photo
Map mete
I bought...